Xyngular Bundle that Focus' on Controlling Cravings Boost Energy and Gut Heath
Cravings Control | Energy | Gut Health
One pill, one scoop, one drink to keep you energized, help you kick cravings to the curb, and support healthy skin from within. Featuring three impressive products, Xyngular Complete Collagen, Xyng, and Trimstix Fruit Punch, the X Factor is the perfect collection to improve gut health, support weight management, and help you feel better overall. Add this bundle to your daily ritual so you can put your best foot forward each day!*
- Complete Collagen™
- Xyng™
- Trimstix™
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
This product will ship directly from Xygnular